Weekly Meetings

The professor was met with weekly to present updates and progress on the project as well as receive feedback for things discussed.

Week 35 - 04/07/2022

Testing results were shown to the professor. The professor requested that tests be run with food and ice inside the compartment instead of just ice. The report rough draft date has also been pushed from previously being due a week before the 15th to wednesday the 13th.

Week 34 - 03/31/2022

The professor moved the meeting to Saturday. However, because the other group could not meet on Saturday, the meeting for this week had been canceled.

Week 33 - 03/24/2022

After progress was shown for the week, the professor pressed that testing needed to be done immediately since the deadline is coming. The 90% deadline passed the day before, so the project was allowed to continue.

Week 32 - 03/17/2022

Since spring break was the week before, this presentation covered two weeks. For this week, it was shown that the mobile app was tested, the GPS bracket was mounted, the monitor bezel was assembled, a second drain plug was installed, the auto light and auto lock feature was adjusted and tested, as well as the battery level. The flashlight holder and bottle opener was modeled as well.

Week 31 - 03/10/2022

There was no meeting as spring break was this week.

Week 30 - 03/03/2022

The lids for the compartments were completed, and covers for the locking mechanism parts were also printed. The professor was shown the ice tests that were requested last week. It was decided that since spring break is next week, there would be no meeting taking place till the following week when school resumes.

Week 29 - 02/24/2022

This week, the progress shown was the parts 3d printed and assembled, and the cooler sealed again. The professor asked for an ice test the previous meeting and we were able to show it this week. The professor was very pleased with the progress.

Week 28 - 02/17/2022

For this week the professor was shown the progress on the cooler, such as securing the LED light strip with super glue and adding the gasket to the monitor bezel. Some new features that were added to the touchscreen GUI was also showcased.

Week 27 - 02/10/2022

Progress shown this week involved the 3d printed parts for the monitor bezel and servo bracket, as well as the save settings on power down feature. The lessons learned section now contains the 3d printing lesson. There was also progress on the report for Chapter 3.

Week 26 - 02/03/2022

The professor changed the meeting time to take place at 1pm instead of 2pm. The professor was shown the Bluetooth connectivity testing, 3d parts for locking, progress on report, and an adjusted timeline. The professor mentioned that the adjusted timeline needed to have clear dates. New sections were added to the website, References and Lessons Learned.

Week 25 - 01/27/2022

For this meeting, the professor was shown the cooler with all the parts working together. The professor mentioned that the Bluetooth speaker distance should be tested, and also asked when ideally the cooler is expected to be mostly complete.

Week 24 - 01/20/2022

Our first meeting for the semester was held. The professor was updated on the progress of the cooler during the break, showing that the Raspberry Pi had been implemented into the cooler, so that the system is now self sustaining and almost complete.

Week 23 - 01/13/2022

No meeting.

Week 22 - 01/05/2022

No meeting.

Week 21 - 12/29/2021

No meeting.

Week 20 - 12/22/2021

No meeting.

Week 19 - 12/15/2021

No meeting.

Week 18 - 12/08/2021

No meeting.

Week 17 - 12/01/2021

No meeting.

Week 16 - 11/24/2021

No meeting.

Week 15 - 11/17/2021

No meeting.

Week 14 - 11/10/2021

No meeting.

Week 13 - 11/03/2021

No meeting.

Week 12 - 10/27/2021

This meeting was our final meeting with the professor. We showed the progress that was has given the week, and after discussing our options we decided to withdraw to allow us more time to complete the project.

Week 11 - 10/20/2021

The meeting was much shorter than usual, where we only presented the major accomplishments.

Week 10 - 10/13/2021

This week the professor was shown progress on the solar panel, sensor fabrication, programming of the waterproof temp sensors, door position sensor, and battery level indicator.

Week 9 - 10/06/2021

This week we presented to the professor the buck converter testing, bracket fabrication, GPS on app, and component testing.

Week 8 - 09/29/2021

The professor was shown the progress in terms of wiring the cooler and the design progress of the app.

Week 7 - 09/21/2021

This week progress was shown for wiring. The report was also presented as a lot of work has been done on that as well. Professor Notash mentioned to have more progress on implementation instead of report, and that implementation was more important.

Week 6 - 09/14/2021

The progress on wiring and fabrication was shown to Professor Notash.

Week 5 - 09/07/2021

Progress on fabrication, wiring, component testing, mobile app development, and touch screen GUI development was shown to Professor Notash.

Week 4 - 08/31/2021

This week, progress was shown on fabrication, mobile app development, and Raspberry Pi development.

Week 3 - 08/26/2021

Professor Notash went over the syllabus and expectations for the course. A meeting time for the week was discussed.